Dr. Sabrina Adrian will present the Organ Symphony, accompanied by Symphony of the Hills, on July 17 in the sanctuary of Kerrville’s First Presbyterian Church.
June 29, 2022–Music fans will have a rare opportunity to hear a classical piece performed on the Jehmlich organ when Dr. Sabrina Adrian presents Pipe Dreams, featuring Camille Saint-Saens’ Organ Symphony on July 17, at 3 pm in the sanctuary of Kerrville’s First Presbyterian Church.
A select ensemble of Symphony of the Hills orchestra members will join Adrian for the Saint-Saens piece along with Respighi’s Suite in G Major for Strings and Organ.
Adrian will perform on the Jehmlich organ built for the church in 2006 by the renowned Jehmlich Orgelbau of Dresden. The organ, with 55 ranks containing 3500 pipes, is a remarkable, versatile instrument employing electropneumatic action to produce “real” sound, avoiding synthesizers and speakers. German specialists come to Kerrville every other year to tune and maintain the organ.
Adrian earned her degrees in music and organ performance from Southwestern University, UTSA, and UT-Austin. A church organist from her teen years, she has served a number of churches in mid and south Texas and is currently organist at First Presbyterian. She grew up around music, as her father, a physician, was an accomplished pianist.
This special concert is a “gift to the community” and a way to recognize Patrons and Subscribers for their support of the Symphony’s upcoming season.
Priority seating will be held for those who have reserved their 2022-2023 Patron and Subscriber tickets. Patron Levels include a gift amount above the ticket price. Subscribers are those who purchase season seating at its posted price for all five concerts.
All others will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis as long as seats are available. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a free-will offering supporting the Symphony’s Children’s Adventures in Music outreach program for local elementary students.
Anyone interested in becoming a season ticket holder prior to the concert can contact info@symphonyofthehills.org, 830-792-7469, or www.symphonyofthehills.org by July 11.