Here is everything you need to know to reserve your seats for the 2025-2026 season of Symphony of the Hills!
Best Value is to become a Patron or Subscriber!
You will have the best seat to enjoy every concert while supporting this treasured professional orchestra! Don’t Delay! Sign Up Today!
Patron Seating
Patron Levels include a gift amount above the ticket price, which allows benefits according to the amount donated, including priority seating and program listings. The Symphony offers six levels of Patrons, as well as Performance Sponsorships. Seat selection is prioritized based on the amount of the gift and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Deadline: Friday, ______
Patrons’ seats are assigned and tickets are mailed by ____.
Subscribers are those who purchase season seating at its posted price for all four concerts. Red, orange, and yellow seating is available, and Subscriber seats are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
Deadline: Friday, July 26, 2024 – Subscribers’ seats are assigned and tickets mailed August 19.
Individual Concert Tickets
After Patron and Subscriber seating is filled, individual concert tickets will be available for purchase, for seats not purchased by Season Ticket holders.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Any remaining seats go on sale for individual performances.
Signup Forms
The documents linked below provide details on Patron Levels, types of seating available, and both Renewal and New Member forms.
To sign up:
Download forms, fill out, and mail to:
• Symphony of the Hills
PO Box 294703
Kerrville TX 78029
• Call: (830) 792-7469
• Email: info@symphonyofthehills.org
Thank you for your continued support! Help spread the word!
* Due to planned renovations to the Cailloux Theater in 2025, the 2024-2025 season will offer four concerts rather than five.